A Look Into My Garden

I got the seed for this avocado out of an organic avocado from my local grocery store. I started it by sticking 4 toothpicks into the widest parts of the pit so that it can be suspended over a glass of distilled water, pointy side up. Keep the fat bottom submerged and the top with fresh air. Change water every other day. Waited patiently until it sprouted open at the bottom and the top (usually about 3-6 weeks). Pinch off the first two leaves, more will grow back in about 2 weeks along with more roots.  Then I placed it in an organic seed starting soil mix until it grew leaves. After that I transplanted it into this pot with organic vegetable garden soil that I purchased from my local garden center. I found more info for you guys to grow your own on this site.

The second one is peppermint. I bought this as a baby 1 year ago from my local nursery and kept it up in a pot with organic soil.
