
Showing posts from 2015

Pregnancy and Exercise -- Get Active Or Be A Couch Potato??

Some people continue to work out throughout their entire pregnancy while others barely want to get out of the bed or off the couch. If your one of the people who feel extremely lazy, keep in mind that a little exercise daily will make your birthing experience easier in addition to other benefits. You do not have to go out and do a hard break a sweat workout routine, but working out 30 minutes a day is really good for you. Of course, if you have not worked out in a while I would suggest starting off with 10 minutes a day and working your way up to 30 minutes daily. If you can not do it daily just try and do it as often as possible throughout the week.      A few of the great benefits of working out while pregnant are:  A boost in your energy and mood Prevents excess weight gain Increases stamina and muscle strength Can help ease or prevent back pain Helps you sleep Some great exercises to try things like going to moderate paced walks, getting on the bicycle machine, swim

The Final Run!! The Third Trimester Begins!

I'm back!! I know it has been a while since I last posted, I really should be ashamed of myself for neglecting the blog, but I'm back and I do not intend to leave you all again for such long periods of time. I apologize for my neglect.  I am 28 or 29 weeks pregnant as of Tuesday and today was my first appointment for my third trimester, it was totally awesome. It's usually always a great experience when I go because they are just  the bomb over at Ob/Gyn Midwife & Associates ; however this time was particularly wonderful. Maybe because it is fall and everything is better in the fall or maybe it was because I got a doula today!!! I know it is because I got a doula today. She'll be coming to my home to meet and have an informative little conversation with me and my boyfriend next Wednesday. Yes I know, having a doula is not that far from the ordinary when your working with a midwife and doing a water birth, but for me it is such a exciting thing. All the happenings

Post Delivery (Self Care) Must Haves!! You'll Be Glad You Read This

I am sorry if this list makes you imagine all of the things that are going to be happening "down there", but the items are total must haves and you will be glad that you read it. This is my first baby and  I never knew that childbirth could sound so tragic. I knew that some things would happen to your area, but I was clueless as to how deep it really is. Maybe people don't tell this part because it would most likely scare one out of having children. It indeed did scare me, but there is definitely no going back now. Here is the link POST DELIVERY SELF CARE MUST HAVES  

Ahh....This S**t Feels Amazing: Postpartum Padsicles

No one ever talks about the healing process after childbirth, but women need to know the good, the bad and the ugly. The goal is to mentally prepare myself as much as possible for what is about to happen to me, sooo I've been doing my research... While on pinterest I found this awesome post that informed me on something that I did not know about. Did you know that your vagina hurts so much that it is suggested that you freeze your pads to helps soothe it? Padsickles could be your solution (they soothe your vagina after childbirth). Check out the link ( Tall Mom tiny baby: How To Make Postpartum Padsicles Padsickles in 4 E... ) and she will show you how to make them step by step. It is a very quick and easy process; your lady parts will thank you for making them. I am definitely going to try them. 

Check out this AWESOME FullyRaw Rainbowcake by FullyRaw Kristina

I am definitely no vegan, however this vegan and gluten-free Rainbow Cake really caught my eye. This would be a wonderful thing to make for a vegan or non-vegan friend for a birthday. It would also make for a great cake for a dinner party. It is bright, colorful and super healthy. Check it out. She has the written copy of the recipe on her website.