Having a Grocery Shopping Budget May Actualy Have You Eating Healthier

When I grocery shop for my family I try to not go overboard and spend all of my money. The budget for food shopping is $75 per week. That is enough to have full dinners, pack the hub's lunch and make us a great breakfast. I eat leftovers for lunch since I am not a big fan of cooking in the middle of the day. I used to spend about $100 a week on food but I had to reduce that. I was spending $50 a week on meat alone and that is not healthy for me, my family, or my wallet. Now I try to not spend over $25 on meat and the rest of the money goes to my kitchen staples (ex. bread, pasta, eggs, etc), bottled water, and produce. LOTS AND LOTS OF PRODUCE.

With this new budget I have noticed that I am eating a bit healthier. Since there is less money to spend I buy less unnecessary things. I don't buy junk food for myself unless it is just a craving that I can not control. When I crave sweets I buy fruit instead of processed sugary stuff. I absolutely love cabbage because there are sooo many ways that you can cook it and it is inexpensive. I get a red cabbage and a green one. Another thing that I have noticed is that buying little heads of lettuce is cheaper than buying bags of salad. I buy 2 different lettuce heads and a  bunch of kale. With those I just tear a little of each one and combine it all to make a full salad that both satisfies and lasts much longer than one bag of $4 organic salad  mix. Potatoes are definitely going in my cart along with a lot of other produce.

With having little to no junk food and only meat, produce and a couple carbs in your shopping cart, your shopping smarter and healthier. I hope my tips help save you money and get you on track to a junk free lifestyle.

