Do not let fear hold you back

     There are times when I get really inspired to do things and I get really great ideas, but for some reason I do not end up putting work or effort in to make the ideas a reality. I feel like I am at a point in my life that I really have to choose something and put work in it. See where it can take me and stop being so scary. Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause you pain, or a threat. I feel that a lot of times, people get wonderful ideas for business ventures that they are passionate about but they are too afraid to just got out and do it. I see it happen in peoples lives all the time. 
     Do not let fear hold you back from your goals and dreams. If you have something that you love and you are passionate about do not be afraid to go out and do it. When you do go out and do it make sure that you give it your all. and remain positive at all times. You can manifest whatever it is that you want to have. The power of the mind will blow you away. Try writing down your ideas and thinking about it daily. If you do these things you are bound to be successful.     
     With me knowing all this I really need to practice what I preach.
